Saturday 19 October 2013

Mini Mince Pies with Frangipane Tops

I tend to make mini mince pies as feel a pile of minis looks somehow more attractive than half a dozen regular ones. It also allows you to have several different variations in the toppings and the possibilities of including ones with apple pie fillings for those that don't like mincemeat.

For this recipe you will need a quantity of Christmas Pastry or plain shortcrust if you prefer.
You will also need a jar of Mincemeat

For the Frangipane you will need:

2oz butter, softened
2oz golden caster sugar
2 eggs, lightly beaten
4 oz ground almonds
3 - 4 drops of almond extract (or to taste - I like a lot!)
1 pear

Begin with making your frangipane. Place your butter and sugar into a bowl and beat together. Slowly add the beaten eggs and continue to mix. 

A little at a time mix in the ground almonds and then flavour with the almond extract; make sure it is all thoroughly combined. Set this aside while you line the tins. 

Roll out your pastry on a floured board and cut circles to fit a mini cake tray. Make the pastry as thin as you can without it breaking as it will cook easier. Also with mini pies you will need more room for filling and don't want your pie too full of pastry!

In the bottom of each pie case place a small teaspoon of mincemeat. Now take your frangipane and place a small teaspoon on top. It doesn't have to be too neat as it will puff up under cooking and should sort itself out. 

Pre-heat the oven to 200C.While the oven is pre-heating you can finish off the pies. Take your pear and slice it up into slivers about 1 cm across and maybe 2 mm thick. If possible leave a bit of skin on the outside edge. Push two pieces of pear into the frangipane on each pie. 

Pop into the oven for about half an hour. Timings vary considerably depending on how efficient your oven is, so check the pies often and if necessary turn the trays around half way through. 

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